As Xmas approaches, we are starting to get dates of the events that we normally support. Please take a look at the list, mark them in your calendars, and let the organiser know if you will be attending –
Day Date Time Event Location Organiser
Saturday 10/11 All day Surrey Assn Training Day Bletchingley Alison
Sunday 2/12 14-16:00 DRC AGM and striking competition Rotherhithe Morag Todd
Tuesday 4/12 ??? Licensing new vicar Bermondsey Alison
Wednesday 12/12 18-18:30 Carol Service Limehouse Simon
Sunday 16/12 ???? DRC Xmas Party Simon&Janet apt Simon or Janet
Wednesday 19/12 18:30 for 19:00 Ordination Service Rotherhithe Jonathan
Thursday 20/12 18:30 for 19:00 Fr Richard first mass Rotherhithe Jonathan
I’ve also posted these events in the Calendar – please advise me of any errors I have made.