Jennifer Woodward, a member of the Stepney Band, is also a member of the London Gallery Quire and invites us to their annual Christmas Concert of West Gallery Music at St George’s German Lutheran Church, 55 Alie Street E1 8EB on Wednesday 5 December at 7pm (doors open at 6.30pm). Tickets are £6 on the door. As the poster tells us this is an opportunity to see inside the oldest surviving German church in England – one of those Open House sites I’ve always meant to visit but so far haven’t incorporated into my jam-packed routes and I am intersted to learn more about the music (featuring in Thomas Hardy’s early novel Under the Greenwood Tree), so I’ll be there. See also the Historic Chapels Trust website for more information about the venue. Click on the poster below and then click on it again to see it at a more legible size. Hope to see many of you at the concert!