Since the last AGM two groups have been formed – one to organise recruitment, and the other training. The recruitment group – now chaired by Tom Pinnock – has the dual roles of publicising ringing in the Docklands area (look out for the articles expected soon in the local press!) and of recruiting new members to the bands – whether totally new to the exercise or lapsed ringers returning. DRC members will also be demonstrating ringing very publicly on 17th April, when the Charmborough Ring is erected once again beside the course for the London Marathon.
Gill Harris chairs the training group, which has been active in reviewing training needs and organising training mornings tailored to the needs of existing members of the bands. Its members are now looking forward to planning some events for new learners as the recruitment group draws them in! One of the group’s concerns is the quality of our ringing, and the Bermondsey and Stepney bands will soon be preparing to enter local striking competitions. On 9th July training will concentrate on raising and lowering in peal, and leading.
Gill calls the training group to order
I need to get a hammer.