New Webmaster for Docklands Ringers

Hello everyone!

For those who I’ve not met yet, I’m Rob Parker, ringer at Bermondsey, and today (somewhat belatedly) I’ve taken over the role of Docklands Ringers Webmaster from Andrew Larsen.

I’d like to thank Andrew for his handover, and for leaving me with what I hope it already a well oiled machine. We have an effective Yahoo Group and a interesting stream of News and Events on this website, which I hope will continue from all those who currently support it – and any new (or not so new ringers) are welcome to try their hand at posting news or updates from their towers or practices. If you’ve got any questions about what to do, just let me know.

I look forward to seeing many new posts over the coming months.

Equally, if you have new ringers attending your tower please do let me know their name and email address and I will be happy to add them to the website and the Yahoo Group. As before, just get in touch via the website.


Rob Parker
Docklands Ringers Webmaster